
Why You Should Travel With Your Siblings


It can be always exciting to travel on your own and without anybody else. I understand it and you have my full support to do some solo travel at least once in your lifetime, because I have one of the best experiences from traveling solo. But if you don´t feel like traveling solo would be perfect for you, I have another option just for you. Grab your passport and your sibling´s hand and start an unforgettable journey of your lifetime. Are you asking why to travel with your sister or brother? Let me to tell you a short story of my first time with my sister out of our country and without our parents.

Our one week long journey happened back in 2014. It was absolutely unplanned and totally spontaneous trip to Italy. One day, my sister somehow came with an idea to go and visit our friends in Tuscany and just two weeks later, we were sitting in the bus and heading to Florence. What was more crazy that one of us was actually older than 18 years old. Yes, really, I was 17 and my sister just turned 12 back then. And our parents let us go. We had to do everything on our own and without anybody who could take a care of us and be our guardian. From managing our stay in a hotel to shopping at local supermarket, we just had to do things on our own. Well, I have to admit that without some from our great friends, we would be completely lost in various situations, but that´s what friends are for. Even though there were weak moments, there were also great moments that we simply can´t forget. I know you are probably wondering how our parents could let us go alone. I guess they just trusted us and especially me. They knew I could talk in Italian and that I had been at that place before. And when we came back home, this trip helped us to get more respect from them. We also gained new experience and we created memories which we will share forever. And you know what? You can have wonderful memories with your sister or brother too! Just plan a trip and travel together. Here are some biggest advantages. 

Better Communication 

While traveling solo, you are forced to interact with strangers in order to be amused, but when you are traveling with your sibling, you can talk with each other. There will be probably many situations when you might confront each other, these moments will be the lessons you should learn from. You might argue first, but you just can´t walk away. You will be simply forced to talk about the problem and fix everything you can. This will teach you how to communicate better and how to solve various situations, bad or good, it doesn´t matter. Back at home, everything will become much easier for you then, trust me.  

Improved Relationship

As I mentioned above, you will be forced to talk with each other. Apart from problems, topics of your conversations might vary and you can talk about the terrible classmates one night and gossip about the teachers other night. The big plus is if you both attend or attended same school, participated same events or camps and etc. You both know same people, you both might have similar hobbies or you both probably love same celebrities. So what are you waiting for? Ask your siblings what they think about the latest haircut of your favourite actress, their opinion about some random videos from YouTube. There may come new challenges, new adventures and you never know how your sibling might behave at various situations. Being together in new countries or places will show you sides of your siblings you may have never seen before. Some moments will be difficult, but this all can lead to improved relationship. 

Quality Time Together 

There is always that moment when siblings suddenly "leave each other" and they focus more on their friends and their leisure time is rather spent out than with family. Traveling together is a great chance how to spend some great quality time together without anybody else. If you haven´t seen them for a while, ask them about their lifes, be interested in their hobbies, music, movies or even favourite piece of clothes. There is plenty of time to do everything you have always wanted to do with them, so grab your chance and do it. Shared memories, photos and even videos are always bringing people together, same with your siblings. And I can guarantee that time you spend with your siblings will be surely one of the best ever.

According to me, these are one of the best reasons why to travel with your siblings. I bet you see many guys traveling solo or with their partners or friends, but I don´t see many people traveling with their siblings. I might be wrong, but I think it is one of the best thing you can do. It will help your relationship to grow and you might get new experience from it. Trust me and give it a shot. And if you don´t have any sibling, try to take out your cousin. Traveling with some family members (apart from your inner family circle) might be always interesting thing to do and it can give you the best memories. So call all your siblings and plan an epic roadtrip for next summer! Family power!

Have you ever traveled with your siblings? If not, would you like to do so? 

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  1. Totally agree! I travel with my sister quite often. Last time it was month in Indonesia. Some friend (who has sister) told us that if they are more than two days together they start to argue about silly things. I was curious what can happen during the whole month together. And I was very pleasently surprised that during whole period we have only one 30 minutes fight :)
    Great article! Very well writen <3

    1. yes, i don´t travel with my sister very often, we did only like 2 trips together, but i wish we could travel more sometime in the future :) and thank you very much :)

  2. Pěkný článek :) Já tedy se sestrou nikam kromě rodinných dovolených necestovala, ale máme to v plánu už brzo a jsem zvědavá jak nám to spolu na cestách půjde :D díky za inspiraci <3

    1. děkuji :) no právě, taky jsem se s mladší sestrou nikde předtím nebyla, jen na rodinných výletech, takže první trip do zahraničí byl pěkně zajímavý, sice jsem se taky bála, ale bylo to v pohodě :) asi jediný problém byl, když jsme se museli do hotelu trmácet s krosnami do kopce a byl to místy docela strmý kopec...a navíc tam pak majitel nebyl, takže jsme museli přečkat do večera u kamarádů :D no, ale jinak to bylo fajn, rozhodně doporučuji :) a nemáš zač, děkuji za komentář :)

  3. Starší brácha je hrozný ignorant, takže není šance, že by někam jel. Tak snad mladší bráchu vytáhnu, až povyroste! :)

    1. tak to máme podobně :D brácha by byl nejradši doma..a když už někam jede, tak jedině se svými a na rodinu a tak kašle :D ale snad někdy ho někam vytáhnu :)


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