
Wandering the Spring Nature in Tuscany


Warm weather, blue sky and lovely view everywhere. I didn´t expect this when I was checking weather before I went to Italy. Actually the weather forecast was making me quite distressed and I wasn´t very sure what to pack till the day of my depart. Fortunately when I arrived to Italy, there was no sign of any rain, storm or low temperature. But one thing was fulfilled - strong and cold wind.

After staying in Florence for some time, I headed to South. I stayed at my friends in one smaller town where I was mostly resting, doing photo walks and just having good and peaceful time. I really needed some time just for myself, because I have to do important decisions in near future and this was great chance how to think about it well. Anyway as I was wandering around, I realized that the spring is slowly coming. Only three days remain and we can officially welcome new season. I better take out all of my spring clothes and start planning spring travels. Hooray!

I have had a chance to experience three seasons in Italy already - winter, spring and summer and experiencing "the change" of seasons from one to another caused so many emotions and thoughts inside me. In case you do not know this fact - I´m such a "thinking" person. Not exactly philosophy one, but I just like to reflect things I experience and admire beauty of this world. Plus I´m very emotional person and I can get excited about so many things but I can also get worried even because of small stupid ones. So that was something about my personality but enough about me. Let´s come back to Italian nature. Wandering and thinking just moved with me a bit again and I can say it changed me somehow again. Not really a lot. Just only small piece of me, but yes, it did. And all I can say is - thank you God for this stunning gift - our Earth.

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