
Exploring town Santa Maria degli Angeli


After spending good and quality time with my friends, I had to say goodbye and continue in my journey. And my next destination was somewhere where I had never been before - Assisi. I was excited, because visiting Assisi and discovering places in this part of Italy had been my dream for long. But let me start from beginning.

I had to take a train to Assisi and it was pretty amusing journey. There was one family with two little kids who kept talking and playing around and of course they tried me to join them. But their Italian was very different and with accent, so I could barely react to their questions or requests. I had to change the train later so I also said goodbye to them and continued in my way. 

When I arrived to train station in Assisi, nobody was waiting for me. I tried to send message to leader of our group, but he wasn´t replying so I wrote to my mum telling her I´m alone in unknown city and I don´t know what to do or where to go. Few minutes later, my phone started ringing and fortunately it was somebody from my group with the good news - they had sent one of my friends to pick me up. And really, after few minutes, one of my friends showed up and led me to our house. It was very near the train station and very beautiful and cozy. You can see two photos of it above. 

We went to explore the town where we were staying next morning. One of our first stop was the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites. I can highly recommend this one, it´s really beautiful and you will find a lot of stunning and wonderful stuff inside. Unfortunately there is prohibited to take any photos. But outside of it it´s alright. What you can find inside - the Porziuncola, beautiful paintings, statues and the museum. 

We visited the basilica first and then we went outside where we were wandering around, discovering history of San Francesco and this place in general. After small break our group moved on and we had a chance to visit the convent. There were paintings from life of San Francesco and Santa Chiara d´Assisi. 

We had lunch break then, however we couldn´t go very far away or go and explore this town more, because we had another plans for afternoon. After the break we finally headed to Assisi. So to sum it up - Santa Maria degli Angeli is beautiful and lovely part of Assisi and I can highly recommend it if you get a chance to visit Assisi. Especially the Basilica is worth to check at least for some minutes. You won´t be disappointed and you will get to know a new interesting place.

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  1. been there too and its an awsome place to be, thank u fr the fotos

    1. thank you a lot :) yes, it´s great place :)


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