
Discovering Mini Zoo In Prague - Tip For Interesting Trip With Family


My grandparents have been visiting Prague in these days and they have been staying at my relatives over there. Because they live quite far away from us, this was great chance how to meet them and spend some time together. We arrived very early in the morning, because we simply had woken up earlier than usually. 

We spent morning together, mostly talking about our lives, jobs, my school, plans for future and much more. I also tried to entertain my little cousins, well it seems I was successful. I had a good time with them. After lunch, my aunt got an idea of going to out. And after long discussion which destination would be the best, my mum and my aunt agreed on Minizoo in city part called Malá Chuchle in Prague. 

This so-called "Zookoutek Malá Chuchle", or also known as Minizoo, is situated in park/forest Chuchelský háj in Malá Chuchle in Prague. It´s existed since year 1999. I had never heard about this minizoon before, so I was quite surprised something like this is also in Prague, though I had been thinking something like this could be there somewhere. 

The animals are placed in large paddocks or cages. The visitors can see the animals from elevated platforms or simply from the sideways. There are especially Czech species, like moufflons, deers, owls and others. 

There is also buffet, which is opened on Saturday and Sunday, but only during summer session. If your children are already bored of animals, they can have fun at local small playground. But I think they will be interested in animals as were my cousins and relatives. The minizoo is opened during the whole year and it´s free, so you don´t have to pay anything and you can visit it anywhere you want during the year. We spent there nice time, but because of chilly and windy weather, we rushed back to our cars as soon as we finished with wandering around this minizoo. However, I can recommend it as a good spot for family trip in Prague.

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