
20 Free Things to Do in London


London is considered to be one of the most expensive cities in the world. It isn´t any secret that some tours or entrance fees can go even over £100 for a family of three or four. So it can be pretty expensive to spend even a single day out in the city, especially if you are person with quite tight budget. But don´t worry, there are still many ways how to give your credit card a rest and enjoy London to the fullest. Well, I put together this list of free attractions, places or simply things to do to experience a bit of "life in London" just to show you that you do not have to be a millionaire to have a good time in the capital city of the United Kingdom. 

Discover human history at the British Museum

One of the greatest museums in the world and one of the most famous museums all around the world - this is the British Museum. And it is completely free. Enjoy a unique comparison of the treasures of world cultures and admire objects such as Egyptian mummies, Parthenon sculptures or Rosetta Stone (the most visited ones.) Although it is free, a small donation fee £5 is appreciated and recommended. 

Have a culture experience at the placed called The Scoop

There are plenty of free galleries and museums, but what about a theatre or cinema? Well, there is The Scoop. What is that? I could describe it as the top hotspot for free performances such as concerts, theatre plays or movie screenings. The Scoop is located near City Hall and Tower Bridge, so if you have time, especially during long summer evenings, definitely give it a try. One of my local friends says that he goes there almost every evening, because it is really a great way how to hang out with a bunch of friends and have a nice culture experience.

Discover unique exhibits at the Grant Museum of Zoology

This museum is one of the creepiest ones I have ever visited. I´m not really sure if it was because of the animal skeletons or something else, but I was definitely left with a very strange feeling after visiting it. So if you are up to discover something very unique, go and visit this building.

Visit modern art gallery Tate Modern 

Tate Modern is a great place for all fans of modern art or interesting exhibitions. There are sculptures, paintings and you can go there on your own or organize a special tour with your partner, family or school. I have to say, I really liked this place. And one interesting fact - the building of the gallery was designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott - yes, that man, who also designed the red phone box.

Pose with the stone lions at Trafalgar Square

It is like must to do when you are in London. Additionally, the photo will serve as a great memory. From my personal experience, it can be a bit challenging to take photo without anybody else around, but wait a minute and I´m sure you will get the best result you can get. Hopefully nobody will photobomb it. 

Have fun at Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus is one of the most popular tourist destination in London. It is also one of the busiest squares there, so if you want to, you can just sit and watch the world go by. Many tourists take photos and selfies with the iconic advertising hoarding or the status of Eros, so don´t forget to do so as well. I loved going there in the evening or at the night, because the lights there were simply so magical.

Take a photo/selfie with Big Ben

Big Ben became an iconic symbol for London. If you go to London, you simply have to have photo taken with this marvelous building. Turn on your camera, strike a pose and create a long-lasting memory. 

Find all kinds of books in the British Library

When my dad used to go to the United Kingdom in the past, this was one of his most favourite places. And no wonders - this library has probably all books, lyrics, texts and etc. which have ever been published. It is also a great escape from a busy lifestyle of London.

Relax in one of the many parks

There are so many parks in London which you just should not miss. Let me name just a few of them - Hyde Park, Richmond Park, Bushy Park or Park Vista. Of course, the most famous one is probably Hyde Park, but I also liked Bushy Park a lot, because it is home to like 300 free-roaming deer and I simply love animals.

Have some fun at Angel Comedy Club or The Miller

If you want to enjoy a giggle and you are in mood for a night out, then there are many options for you, but these two are probably the most recommended ones. Angel Comedy Club offers free comedy every night of the week, The Miller hosts free weekly comedy night on Wednesdays.

Listen to speakers at Speaker´s Corner

This is probably the last corner where completely free speech is aired. Yes, there might be sometimes really weird speakers speaking about absolutely nonsense, but you can also catch there something pretty awesome as well. And if you feel courageous enough, you can give your own speech and share with others what you think about various topics.

Watch Changing The Guard

This is another thing which you should not definitely miss while being in London and you won´t pay anything for it. Maybe you will pay some kind of attention, but that´s it. 

Enjoy some good time at Science Museum

Science museum is simply designed to be explored and involved with. This museum is simply created for the curious. Exhibits are changed regularly, but there are also things which you have to see for yourself, such as their space display including rockets, probes or satellites. I really liked the exhibition called Who Am I?, where you can explore what makes us human, why we are here and etc. Donations are welcome here as well, so if you really like it there, do not mind to leave them a few pounds.

Listen to wonderful church music at St James's Church Piccadilly

My friend told me about this before I came to London, so when I had a chance, I had to try and see it for myself. There are many events happening there, but you have also chance to enjoy beautiful church music from the choir. And it is really lovely experience.

Admire beautiful paintings and "get lost" at the National Gallery

Why I wrote there - "get lost?" Because that was my case when I visited it for a very first time. I was wondering around, admiring all those beautiful and stunning paintings, some of them were even like so big...and I simply got lost somehow. But I don´t complain, at least I had more time to see more paintings while searching for the exit.

Walk across Millennium Bridge

I don´t really know whether to count this as any kind of "attraction" or "must to do", but I think the construction of the bridge makes it enough interesting to cross it and take a photo while doing so.

Learn more about the Royal Navy at the National Maritime Museum

It is always good to learn more about history of any country. And it might be much more amusing than sitting in your classroom and just listen to your teacher how this and that person did this and that. This museum will show you more about Britain's encounter with the world at sea, the Royal Navy or the lives of famous personalities, for example British hero Admiral Horatio Nelson. 

Meditate in Kyoto Japanese Garden in Holland Park

If you are fancy about Japanese culture and architecture, this might be a perfect spot for you. Kyoto Japanese Garden is located in Holland Park and it is hidden paradise in this busy city. Relaxing there seems to be a great option how to turn off a bit. The best thing is a challenge to visit it during all four seasons and take photos of it to see how nature change throughout a year.

Spot the wildlife at St. James´s Park

As you noticed, in this article is already mentioned that you can spot deer in Bushy Park, but if you want to see feeding of pelicans or you wish to bump into other animals such as bats or owls, then St. James´s Park is the best option for you. There is a regular feeding of pelicans every afternoon and the park also offers lovely views...you can even spot Shell Tower or London Eye from there.

Enjoy a free gig at Rough Trade

If you happen to be a music lover, good news for you. This famous record shop hosts various free gigs and the line up in the past has included even Kendrick Lamar. To entry, you will be given special wristbands one hour before kick-off, and the gigs tend to be very popular. So make sure you get there early. You can find the upcoming events on their website or Twitter. Honestly, I haven´t visited this one, but my friend is a regular visitor and he can only recommend it.

What are some of your tips for free things to do in London? Share it in the comments!

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