
Your Ultimate Prague Bucket List



Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce my lovely hometown - Prague. This capital city of a small country called Czech republic is known mostly because of an absolutely wonderful architecture, interesting museums and well, pubs and restaurants are also frequently occupied by many tourists visiting Prague each year. So I decided to make a bucket list just for you and give you some pieces of advice where to go and what not to miss while you enjoy this beautiful city. 

1. Visit Vyšehrad Castle

It is one of the most important part of Czech history and still many tourists just miss a chance to visit while wandering around Prague. I understand that it is a bit far away from the downtown and the main sightseeing, but it is really worthy to go there. You can find there a beautiful church, very important cemetery called Slavín, where most of Czech famous people rest, small ancient rotunda and peaceful park.

2. Strike a pose and take a photo with Lennon´s Wall

Lenon´s Wall is very important especially for youths. In the past, when the Czech republic was still under the communist dictate, an image of John Lennon was painted on a wall in one secluded square along with political graffiti and Beatles lyrics. Even though it has been whitewashed so many times in the past, now the owners don´t bother with doing it again, because it always gets covered with another images of John Lennon, love and liberty lyrics and another tourist graffiti.

3. Walk along Charles Bridge at sunrise or sunset (or night)

The Charles Bridge is probably the most famous landmark in Prague. There are many street artists who either play and sing or paint and sell portraits. It is beautiful in every part of day, but if you want to avoid crowds and experience the true atmosphere of this masterpiece, go there in the morning, in the evening or just make a night tour there. It will be much better, I promise.

4. Step inside St. Vitus Cathedral (Chrám svatého Víta)

I know there are so many stunning and absolutely gorgeous cathedrals all around the Europe and not only there, but I can guarantee that St. Vitus Cathedral is one of the most magical ones. Just try it for yourself.

5. Stare with an amazement at Astronomical Clock and notice reactions of others

Every hour a big crowd of tourists gather under this interesting monument. I understand that it can be really amazing to see this in action, but what is usually more amusing (especially for us, locals) to watch the reactions of others. So why you should not try it too? It can be very funny sometimes.

6. Get lost and discover your inner child in Nový Svět neighbourhood

While Hradčany neighbourhood is very popular among the tourists, there is one street (or place) which is absolutely one of the most picturesque in Hradčany neighbourhood. It is called Nový Svět (New World) and it is usually really calm and quiet place. Plus there is one really good thing, especially if you have kids - small hidden playground.

7. Sipping a beer in Letná Beer Garden

Somebody was so clever that he found a place with absolutely great view to Prague city center, then he put there many benches and tables and then he built there small buildings where you can get a pizza and beer...and he called it Letná Beer Garden. It is very nice place and quite popular not only among the locals, but also the tourists who search for a nice shady nook. 

8. Enjoy the luxury on Pařížská street

London has Oxford Street, New York has Fifth Avenue and Prague has a street called Pařížská. It is the most expensive and luxurious street in the Czech republic and you can find there many shops of the well known brands, such as Gucci, Dolce&Gabbana, Christian Dior, Rolex,  Tiffany & Co. and others. So if you are looking for some shopping spree, well, here is your chance.

9. Shopping spree in Wenceslas Square 

If you really don´t want to spend hundreds on Pařížská street, then head to Wenceslas Square. It is much more budget friendly and you can find there many shops with fashion, souvenirs and also some cafeterias and restaurants as well. 

10. Wander through the tiny streets of a city center

The most magical and the most wonderful streets in Prague can be found around the Prague castle and in the city center. The tiny streets have been an inspiration for many writers and artists for their works, so if you want to get lost a bit and discover interesting gems of Prague architecture, definitely get lost and just wander around. 

11. Admire Spanish Synagogue

The Prague Jewish Town is a very interesting city quarter which you shouldn´t miss. And one building which definitely deserves your attention is the Spanish Synagogue. It is called like that because of her impressive Moorish interior design influenced by the famous Alhambra. I always drag all my foreign friends there, because you just have to see that wonderful beauty for yourself.

12. Experience a changing of the guards at the Prague Castle + try to make them smile

As a small child, every time I visited the Prague Castle, I always demanded to stay until the guards changed. It was such a moment for me to see the synchronized guards walking side by side and then just changing their places with another guards...and they did all these things just without any emotion, just a blank and serious faces. And then they are standing there again...not smiling, not showing any emotion. When I visit Prague Castle with my friends, we sometimes even embarrass each other in order to make them smile at least a bit. And yes, just we actually succeed for a few times.

13. Visit one of the islands on Vltava river

Yes, Prague actually has own small islands on Vltava. And you should definitely make a way to at least one of them. Kampa and Střelecký ostrov are probably the most popular ones. You can find there peaceful parks, houses of locals, small squares and interesting buildings or statues. If you have kids, you can also head to a special island just for them - Dětský ostrov (Child island) where you can find some playgrounds or skatepark.

14. Cruise along the Vltava river

Take a cruise along the river Vltava is another option how to see something from Prague from a bit different perspective. The best time to take a cruise is probably during the sunset, because what is better than seeing Prague covered in beautiful gold light?

15. Discover your inner artist in Veletržní palác

Veletržní palác is a spacious gallery where you can find various pictures, statues and other kinds of art from many famous artists. The building is very spacious and makes a very calm impression. The ticket price is quite low, so you definitely won´t make a mistake if you decide to head over there. Especially if you are art lover, it is must for you to visit this gallery.

16. Pray to Infant Jesus of Prague 

This statue of a little Jesus is mostly popular among tourists from Spanish speaking countries, but if you want to see other beautiful church in Prague, then head to Carmelite Church of Our Lady Victorious (Kostel Panny Marie Vítězné) in Malá Strana. The most interesting place of the church is of course the one with the little statue (which has probably more dresses than you) where you can also spot many messages by grateful people whose prayers were heard. So I think you won´t ruin anything if you also ask or thank Jesus or God for something ;)

17. Chill in Vrtbovská Zahrada Garden (Vrtbovská Zahrada gardens complex)

I don´t know if this is some secret of locals or Czech people, because I usually don´t spot here many foreigners or tourists generally. That is quite pity, because this place is actually one of my most favourite places in Prague. It is calm, peaceful and it offers great chillout getaway in the middle of city center. Many people choose it for their weddings, photoshoots and another celebrations - no wonders, because especially in spring it is very romantic garden.

18. Get back in time while visiting Golden Lane

If you wander around Prague Castle district, don´t forget to visit this small breathtaking gem. The Golden Lane consists of tiny colourful houses which now serve as shops or museum. In the past, it was a home for example for popular and Nobel Prize winner, Jaroslav Seifert. 

19. Enjoy a nightlife with locals

Prague is such a city for nightlife. With numerous clubs, pubs and restaurants opened the whole night, there are so many possibilites how to enjoy a nightlife there. Visit some popular pubs, such as Hemingway Bar, jazz club AghaRTA or Ice Pub or just wander in the streets. There are many things happening over there whole night, so just find a right place and discover this capital city from a different perspective.

20. Taste Czech cuisine

Czech cuisine is a special. Yes, it might be a bit heavy and I kinda wonder how is it possible that Czech nation is still somehow in shape (in comparision with other nations around the world) when I see what all we eat everyday. Beer, dumplings, meat and other heavy meals are part of local cuisine, which is worth to try, even though you might have enough after a few gulps. 

Have you ever visited Prague? What did you like the most?

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  1. One of the most stunning cities I have ever been to. Prague simply stole my heart...

  2. Hi Helca! Any other must-go or especially interesting places in Prague during winter time - which is now? I'll be heading to your beautiful city next Saturday with my fiancé! Let me know!

  3. Love Prague- great ideas for the next trip!


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